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samir bouzid & سمير بوزيد
8 décembre 2011

food, energy, finance, water, climate

Today’s challenges — food, energy, finance, water, climate — are many. We face the “50-50-50 Challenge”: by the year 2050, the world’s population will reach over 9 billion – 50 per cent more than at the dawn of this new millennium. By that same year, 2050, the world must cut global greenhouse gas emissions by 50 per cent from 2000 levels. Now more than ever, we need to examine the underlying drivers of instability and chart a more sustainable course to 21st century growth and prosperity for all.

samir bouzid & سمير بوزيد
  • Signataire de la lettre ouverte au Président Obama :pour que l’abolition de la pauvreté prenne le pas sur la course aux armements. Militant pacifiste; Étude supérieur: Anthropologie PARIS; ex vice président INPBPM; ex Vice Président INPBPTM
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